Member Meetings (1989)
- Glenfern High School
1997 presentation to Club Founder:
Alf Stephens, with wife Nancy by
former Knox Mayor, & Honorary
Member of KDWC: Wally Tew,
Overseeing on left: Bill Hawley, founding Treasurer.
"From the Club members, as a token
appreciation of your dedication and
committment for the growth of the Club, and the extension of the Club's facilities."
Workshop History
When an analysis in 2016, of the 200+ membership of the Club, and seeing the growth in recent years, many who joined the Club after the 90's, might like to know how the clubrooms evolved and who the key players were at the time.
The founder of the Club, the late Alf Stephens, was the inspiration behind the formation of the Club, seeking to
To promote woodcraft by creating an interest in working with wood.
To foster communication amongst woodworkers and assist them in achieving excellence in design and craftmanship.
To promote recognition of woodworking skills.
The Oct 1988 origins of the Club were a mobile group with trailer, attending the oval changerooms (ironically the original woodworking rooms) at Glenfern Secondary College Ferntree Gully and shortly after, using the School's “Pavillion”, (thanks to assistance from the Vice Principal: John Masterton.) until own premises were found. See the 1988 Foundation Members – per website “Foundation Members” page records
In addition to recognising the foundation members, and so many members over the years since, let's also spare a thought for the many spouses/partners, who provided the backbone of encouragement, (and patience) in support of their partner's pursuits, and events/social acitivities they so generously gave of their time for. It is also pleasing to see the mix of members, now boasting 25 lady members who share their skills and achievements helping the club provide an environment that suits an ever broader range of interested 'Woodies”.
2nd life began at PLACEMAKERS KNOX Council site within a long steel shed of about 6 roller door BAYS, and a pair of cottages. That long steel shed runs approx North/South.
The Eastern boundary of the property has DEMAK TIMBERS as an adjoining neighbour, the CRICKET OVAL is to the North, and the SUB-STATION to the South.
The bulk of the site, being the Council's Placemaker's.
(1) In March 1992, with Ed Lawer's help, the KDWC was provided access to the SOUTHERN most BAY #1 with a trailer of tools and a couple of lathes.
This gave the club it's first opportunity to grow its collection of tools, and shortly followed Serge Meilak's Spindle Moulder and large band saw (refer to the Sponsors Page)
(2) To the rear of 1st Bay, small sheds grew, which today is the TURNING ROOM with about 10 lathes, and the TOY ROOM SHED on South boundary. So over the 25 years, that 1st Bay and the rear sheds have grown to contain the various speciality groups that we have today.
That 1st Bay has a number of BAND SAWS, a THICKNESSER, numerous bench SAWS, drill presses and BUZZERS. - Peter Sleeman, the late David Howell, Serge Meilak, Dick Webb, Lindsay Horsley have followed the MAINTENANCE aspects over the years
(3) In March 1995 the NEW CLUBROOMS were erected, comprising the MEETING ROOM, KITCHEN, TOILETS as we know them today (prior the verandah/rocking horse room). Bill Orpen has single handedly, been involved in pretty much every building expansion works in the Club's 27 year history to date, a commendable effort.
(4) In Sept 2008 clubrooms were extended WEST towards GLENFERN RD entrance. This added the LIBRARY and formalising the COMMITTEE ROOM, with TV, COMPUTER and SURVEILLANCE and adding "Joe Semenow" ROCKING HORSE ROOM/Verandah to original entrance, and predominantly adding the large WOOD STORE and the "Peter Horsburgh" COMPONENT STORE rooms.
(5) In Sept 2010, the club acquired the THICKNESSER - a major new machine and one that requires a great deal of respect, particularly the task of ensuring no contamination exists in the timber being prepared.
(6) In FEB 2012, the 2nd BAY of PLACEMAKERS was then sought, for use as a SANDING ROOM.
This saw the erection of the infamous WALL separating the 2nd Bay (for KDWC) from the 3rd BAY belonging to PLACEMAKERS. The expansion into this 2nd BAY allowed the separation of the SANDING and JOINERY machines to be fired up.
(7) During April/May 2012,, the MICRONAIR DUST EXTRACTION system was installed outside of BAY#2.
(8) In Sept 2013 with the cladding of ceilings to the clubrooms saw the introduction of reverse cycle AIR CONDITIONING.
(9) In 2017-18, an outside Al Fresco area was added with seating, BBQ and sail cloth cover for a meals/meeting area
(10) In 2019, a large concreted and roofed over area was added to the rear of the property to allow for an open area for Sanding and large assembly works.
(11) In late 2020, a full 15kW 3-phase Solar Power system installed on the roof catering for a major proportion of power consumed. It is based on SolarEdge inverter, LG Neon2 25-year warranty panels, and professionally installed by local firm TotalSolarSolutions.
(12) 2021 will see the refinement of SYSTEMS at the Club, with the introduction of Member Ties membership management system, and a review of the surveillance, wiring, computer network and remote access facilities of the Club. Discussion is also underway to consider an update to Accounting too, to streamline processes for the Committee.
So share a thought for so many of the former Members and Committee that enabled the Club to grow to its present position. We've definitely come a long way in the Club's history since 1988. It's not quite back to days of steam operated lathes..… but for some, it may feel that way! We did start out with that peddle lathe shown on the original website!