KDWC has been gathering links to what are considered useful woodworking resources around the world, for many years now, and over time, some will go by the wayside or become renamed. The important point is, that the links are secure. But once a link is referred, to, there is no guarantee of there being secure information further linked from them, to other content on the internet.
Where resources have been found to be non-secure (http) websites, such links have been removed, but out of courtesy, left with embedded spaces for readers to decide for themselves, the risk of putting a search to the internet.
Latest Club Membership handbook reminds readers that:
"The Club cannot offer a guarantee of website links offered or the privacy policy of 3rd parties members may personally engage."
On the topic of security and care when using the internet, here is some further guides/suggestions on practising safe computer usage.
It is offered as a reminder, and is in no way an exhaustive list of risks, but purely a conversation starting point about using the internet.
A Guide to Woodworking Projects (Thanks to Liam Gray)
(no longer linked as it contains a number of non-secure site links)
https:// www.homeadvisor .com/r/home-woodworking-tools-projects/
carried over (updated) from old 2016 website.......
List of all known independent Woodworking Clubs in Australia/NewZealand
refer to the details on page 3 of KDWC Ingrained newsletter to: Other_Clubs.pdf
Peninsula Woodturners Guild Inc http:// www. pwguild. org.au/the-guild/
The Australian Woodworker magazine
The Victorian Woodworkers Association - "Woodlink" Part of WEB RING
Association of Woodturners of Great Britain an international non-profit making organisation
dedicated to the advancement and promotion of woodturning.
Commercial Sites with Cross References to Woodworking Sites
U-Beaut Enterprises - Woodworking Web Ring
- Makers of the great SHELLAWAX Cream !
(includes good xref of all AUST w/work sited)
General interest Commercial Woodworking site
www.flap-wheels.com (link deliberately removed)
The Flap wheels and power tools being sold are all of the QuickWood brand,
a 35 year old company that has been building finishing sanders for the last 30 years.
https://www.screwit.com.au/online-catalogue Screw-It-Screws 1300 551 810 Wantirna VIC, are distributors of Canadian made
Sachys "Robertson" square head screws. Contact Robert (member) and Sue Low for any of your screwing needs!
https://www.sofasandsectionals.com/wood-turning-resources It has some great resources and information on woodturning
that readers of our links site, thought could be helpful for students and enthusiasts as well.
(Suggested by Jefferson District Library in Northern CA)
Has some USA based link about project plans, project guides, and information on how to draw your own plans.
NorthStar Joinery (USA) 300 plus image wood database
Woodturning Online is a comprehensive web site dedicated to providing
information and resources to wood turners worldwide.
Veneer Inlay Australia A catalogue of veneer products to incorporate into your projects (closed)
making wood straight There are plenty of sites giving instructions on how to bend wood,
but very few on making wood straight as this one does
Health Hazards and Wood This list has been compiled to give woodworkers a little bit of an insight
into the potential health hazards posed by some of the timbers that are used
www.blocklayer.com/woodjoints/dovetaileng.aspx Dovetail template generator. You enter dimensions of the wood,
number of tails etc and it will create a template image to scale.
Print the template, fold over the wood and cut through to form the tails.
www.scrollsawworkshop.blogspot.com/ The Scrollsaw Workshop is run by
Steve Good and offers hundreds of free scrollsaw paterns.
www.instructables.com/. The Instructables While not really a woodworking site,
some of the projects are woodworking related.
General topics and information on woodturningz
A good Beginner's Guide to Woodworking. (Suggested: Melissa Whitfield (21/11/12) - Thanks!)
Woodworking Resources - For the Beginning Builder"
Highly recommended by the Lexington, Nebraska Girl Scouts, working on getting their "Wild about Wood" badge!
The following from: Inwood (Cymru Ltd) UK - "Rob" (7/11/2015)
The Carpentry & Joinery Glossary A-Z
The Wood Durability Guide (Chart & Database)
A Guide To Painting/Staining/Treating Wooden Gates, Doors & External Joinery
A Gate Fitting & Installation Guide
General Index of Woodworking websites
Wood Central This is the website where woodworkers of all stripes come to share
a wealth of good information, offbeat humour and a unique camaraderie
Forums and Bulletin Board sites for helpful hints and exchange of ideas.
Woodwork Forums by U-beaut / Woodworking Australia
Australian Wood Artisan's Promotions (Note: used to be: woodart.com.au )
Austalian Woodturning Exhibition has a list of exhibition information awtex .com.au