"Bill Gillingham" Annual Award

The late Bill Gillingham was an extremely keen woodworker and a foundation member of KDWC. The Club thankfully recalls Bill opening his home for meetings during the early days of formation.
Bill featured in the local Newspaper with the KDWC in 1989. Not only his home, but his workshop too, along with his sharing whatever knowledge he had. He is fondly remembered for his preparedness to teach the new, unskilled members of the Club who were eager to grasp the basics of woodworking.

Member Awarded:
Oct 1991: Keith Griffin
Oct 1992: Ed Lawer
Oct 1993: Reg Dixon
Oct 1994: Dick Kors
Oct 1995: Bruce Allen
Oct 1996: Paddy McCann &
Paul Phillips
Oct 1997: Peter Sleeman
Oct 1998: Frank O'Connor
Oct 1999: Joe Semenow
Oct 2000: Doug Dell
Oct 2001: Bill Longden
Oct 2002: Charles Bruckner
Oct 2003: Peter Horsburgh
Oct 2004: Colin Stewart
Oct 2005: Joyce Brown
Oct 2006: Gerry Daelmans
Oct 2007: Ray Norton
Oct 2008: Dick Webb
Oct 2009: George Knight
Oct 2010: Bill Ireland
Oct 2011: John Emptage
Oct 2012: John Jackson
Oct 2013: Eric Butterfield
Oct 2014: Henk Eyssens
Oct 2015: Karen Button
Oct 2016: Frank Collins
Oct 2017: Albert Bak
Oct 2018: Lindsay Horsley
Oct 2019: Gary Pope
Nov 2020: (COVID19 - n/a)
Oct 2021: (COVID19 - n/a)
Oct 2022: (COVID19 - n/a)
Oct 2023: Harry Robertson
When Bill passed away (17/10/1990), a memorial award was designed in 1991 comprising a number of Bill's own tools emblazened on a fine wall hanging that takes pride of position in today's Clubrooms.
A lovely writeup can be seen in the Sep 1990 and Dec 1990 of Ingrained Newsletter all about Bill.
Each year, a special committee of the Club comprising the President, Secretary and previous year's award holder, nominates who they believe to be the most outstanding member who has made a significant contribution to the Club in the preceeding year. A fine award, most befitting to Bill's own enthusiasm and fine work!
The award is engraved with the winning member's name, and a personal plaque is also presented during the A.G.M. in October of each year to the winner. Bill's wife, Jean, proudly attended every year, to make the presentation personally to the recipient. In 2011, Jean passed away, and the Club is immensely proud of Bill's daughter, Sandra Bell, for continuing on the family tradition of presenting this award.
Refer to page 2: "Ingrained" Newsletter Vol 25, No. 1 (Nov 2012) when Sandra, on behalf of her family, made an unexpected and much appreciated donation to the Club.
Many, many thanks to the family of Bill Gillingham, and well done to the members who have been awarded over the years for their contributions.
In 2010 and 2011, the award was presented by Jean's Daughter, Sandra Bell, in the company of Jean's granddaughter, Kirsty Bell.
See Pg 2, of Ingrained Newsletter Vol 23, No 1 (Nov 2010).and this has continued as a tradition ever since!
Here's the first awarding to Keith Griffin, (below)
with President: Serge Meilak with Jean Gillingham made at the December Xmas breakup of 1991. The photo is at the (then) Glenfern Technical School in FTG outside the oval changerooms. Ironically, those rooms were the original woodworking rooms of the school, and were not in use at the time, and made for a great meeting place for the Club. Seeking to have greater time at each meeting, the Club relocated to the school's "Pavillion" thanks to assistance from the Vice Principal: John Masterton.

Albert Bak in Oct 2017 with Sandra Bell

Sandra Bell, and daughter: Kirsty Bell 2018

Lindsay Horsley in Oct 2018 with Sandra Bell

Jean Gillingham presenting Dick Webb with his 'Club Member of the Year' award on the eve of the club's 20th anniversary (1/10/2008)
AGM 2023 showing the award
to Harry Robertson.
Kirsty Bell, and Sandra Bell at AGM 2023
showing the award for Harry Robertson.