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Knox & District Woodworkers Club Inc NEWSLETTER ARCHIVES

Newsletter Archives now at  GoogleDOCS            

click the button to see all the years of archives    

* by year, (double-click the year:  yyyy)             

* then  double-click the thumbnail of the month  

    of the favoured document:    yyyyMM01.pdf   


History of the 'Ingrained" newsletter.

If you're interested in what's news at the Club, please download and read the recent Newsletters, stored in Adobe PDF format.  
              ** Many thanks to Sue Wood for having the foresight to retain the first 10 years editions of the magazine **  

Newsletter editors started with John Fearn, (1988) then David Jamie,(1989),  followed by Ivor Davies (1990) in the early years,   Phil Wetherley from 1994 followed by Tom Coglan in 1998 and then Bob Plant in 2000.  Refer to Volume 21, Edition 11 which is a fine representation of the last  of 7 years of Newsletter workmanship by Paul Lucas who was Editor from 2003 to 2009.

   - Good job, Paul!     (Gaz)

Newsletter production was taken over by Lindsay Horsley  in 2009 based on Apple Word Processing up to October 2012  edition: 24(11).

Since edition 25(1)  a Newsletter team has arranged contributions of materials that are prepared on Linux LibreOffice by Gary Pope  (mob: 0408994799 or email: )

The Newsletter is based on significant contributions from : Philip Spencer, Dick Webb, Bill Ireland and Lindsay Horsley, with Gary Pope gluing the production together for online and paper distribution.


Significant milestones and summaries appear in the following editions:


20th anniversary edition outlines the celebrations in Volume 21, Edition 1  but in this ancillary publication here:


25th anniversary edition outlines the celebrations in Volume 26, Edition 1

These archives were taken from  in May 2016.

and the old website above, was left there for nostalgic reference.


Moving forward from 2016, a new website was setup at   and contains the archives as well, to date.


30th Anniversary year culminated on 5th October 2018, recognised at AGM on 3rd Oct 2018 in 20181001.pdf

The 7 months of "Ingrained" from April 2018  "30(6)"  thru Oct 2018 "30(12)" , recognise the history of the 6 activity groups PLUS the

Committee/Working Group participants.     

Apr "30(6)"    Kidz Korner                             May "30(7)"    Toys/Gifts Makers                     June "30(8)"    Rocking Horses

July "30(9)"   Carving                                    Aug "30(10)"   Furniture                                    Sept "30(11)"  Woodturning

Oct  "30(12)"  Committees/Support Groups


Also:   Sept 2019 "31(11)":  Group participation in Kidz Korner helps newbies become skilled.


The editions in 2019, presented an insight to the Sheds of a number of talented Club Members:

Feb  "31(4)"  (Andre Cook - 'Models'),        Mar   "31(5)" (Frank Collins - 'Scrollsawing')       Apr "31(6)"   (Dick Webb - 'Clocks')

May "31(7)"   (Bill Ireland - 'Australiana'),    June "31(8)" (Jenny Stevens - 'Refurbishing, and large spindle, furniture')

July "31(9)"   (Harry Deschepper - 'Furniture and practical pieces')                                      Aug "31(10)" (Albert Bak - 'Carving')


Content and freedom of access:


The front page masthead,  along with critical contact info on page 2,  Safety segment on page 4,  Technical articles from page 5,  and key opening times and diary event s on the last page,  are the general format of the "Ingrained" these days.  


A reminder email is sent to current financial members each time an edition is released on the website.  But the Club welcomes all readers to enjoy the newsletter at anytime, and this 'archive' contains all editions for downloading as a printable/viewable PDF file.


Address: 45 Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully 3156    Australia


Ph: 03 9758 4849   (Clubrooms) or download latest newsletter for Committee Member contact numbers

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