Here's a summary of the most important CLUB contact, links, banking information
OPENING TIMES and EVENTS https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/club-hours
COMMITTEE EMAIL: secretary@knoxwoodies.org.au
WEBSITE: www.knoxwoodies.org.au
suggestions for website/Facebook: webmaster@knoxwoodies.org.au
How to JOIN / or renew DUES www.knoxwoodies.org.au/membership
Interesting LINKS: www.knoxwoodies.org.au/links
CONSTITUTION/Committee www.knoxwoodies.org.au/committee
SAFETY: www.knoxwoodies.org.au/safety
Changing Personal Details www.knoxwoodies.org.au/update-records
COVID19 Rules for Access www.knoxwoodies.org.au/covid19-rules
Newsletters: (latest) www.knoxwoodies.org.au/current
(archive) www.knoxwoodies.org.au/archives
Monthly Technical articles www.knoxwoodies.org.au/technical
Articles to Editor news@knoxwoodies.org.au
Facebook (invitees) www.facebook.com/groups/knoxwoodies
Bank (Ref:name ID/purpose) Bendigo Bank (KCBG) BSB 633 000 Acct: 1200 82748
Working with Children: workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
45 Glenfern Road, FTG 3156 T:9758 4849; and the occupational field is: “42:
Sporting, recreational or cultural clubs, associations or movements”.
Vial Of Life (Medical card) knoxwoodies.org.au/safety
CHAT with fellow Woodies: https://meet.jit.si/kdwcsheds (5PM Friday nights - or pick your own time slot)
(reserved WED evening) details: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/online-meetings
Things You might not know: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/2022-08
Woodies CAN HELP each other: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/2022-09-largeprint
Special Tools and Accessories locations: KDWC-_Special_Tools_and_Accessories_locations.pdf
Member Handbook: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/_files/ugd/bd7111_635127393a0242f4bc422ee53a7bb846.pdf
Hope you're catching up with everyone on FACEBOOK
STAY IN TOUCH better! Join our private, service
managed by KDWC for all interested AUST/NZ “Woodies”
as well as KDWC financial members.
Go to that Facebook Group and click on the JOIN button.
One of the Club's ADMINISTRATORS will join you up.
This is a CLOSED Group for any AUST/NZ “Woodies”.
Unsolicited, inappropriate commercial matters unrelated to Woodworking matters, or any fellow member abuse of their genuine POSTS and interests on the FB Page, will not be tolerated. Our own KDWC Administrators control who is on this AUST/NZ Group. Any abuse can result in suspension