Member Showcases
Over the years, Members have put together documents that showcase their work, and they are presented here for others to enjoy.
Lindsay Rotherham sadly passed away 18.01.2019.
His family made up a brilliant booklet of his fine work, which can be downloaded here (480MB).
Lindsay's VALE is in Feb 2019 edition of 'Ingrained.
A nice AWTEX article from April 2017 outlines his fine work in the April 2017 "Ingrained."
A number of Club Member interviews were published in the "INGRAINED" Newsletter.
The editions in 2019, presented an insight to the Sheds of a number of talented Members:
Feb "31(4)" (Andre Cook - 'Models'), Mar "31(5)" (Frank Collins - 'Scrollsawing')
Apr "31(6)" (Dick Webb - 'Clocks')
May "31(7)" (Bill Ireland - 'Australiana'), June "31(8)" (Jenny Stevens - 'Refurbishing,
and large spindle, furniture')
July "31(9)" (Harry Deschepper
- 'Furniture / practical pieces')
Aug "31(10)" (Albert Bak - 'Carving')