Virtual Team

Here's an explanation of the Virtual Team. These are the Designated Representatives of the Committee, that undertake a lot of the communication aspects online on behalf of the Club.
Think of "Dr"s like mascots of the club - they do their best to undertake all manner of routine handling of things, duly designated to be done, under the authority of the Committee.
The utilisation of their services, as inanimate as they are, allows for the ongoing administration of matters year on year, without the need to reacquaint third parties about who's who, when the task simply needs to be continued ad infinitum.
They may be gender-less, but they have enough identity, matched by authority extended by the prevailing Committee, to get things done just as if the Committee themselves were undertaking their tasks
The main "Dr" is Ned Woody (kdwccommittee@gmail.com) that handles all manner of renewals of I.T. subscriptions, contracts for phone and internet accounts, annual renewals of domain names, website hosting, email account management, software licencing.
The money master, of course is "Dr" Bucks Woody. (kdwctreasurer@gmail.com) As they say the buck stops here, and there are endless transactions that need to be diligently processed in an ongoing fashion.
In the news front, there is "Dr" Basil Woody (kdwcnewsteam@gmail.com) aptly named after a late colleague of the "Ingrained" Editor, well known for all the 'scoops' provided to the Hamilton Spectator Newspaper (Vic), but that's a whole news story to tell another day.
Technology needs a webmaster, and no better than "Dr" Webby Woody (kdwcwebmaster@gmail.com) whose handiwork keeps Facebook Group, Website, Email systems, Club computers and internal systems all crackling along.
Security and surveillance is the job of "Dr" Danno Woody (kdwcdanno@gmail.com) of infamous Hawaii-50 fame. Don't mess with Danno. You've no doubt heard what happens when they say "Book'em Danno!"
News comes in from all the other independent Woodworking Clubs too (177+ around OZ/NZ), which is shared to the KDWC's own members. To facilitate this, there is "Dr" Nellie Woody (kdwcothernews@gmail.com) who arranges the incoming newsletters from OTHER clubs, to KDWC for collation and distribution.
And of course, membership management requires a number of administrative chores like handling Proxies, Voting, releasing AGM and General Meeting docs. This falls to "Dr" Willie Woody (kdwcmemberships@gmail.com)
In 2024, we added another, that relates to all things 'maintenance'. "Dr." Whiz Woody (kdwcmaintenance@gmail.com) that tracks any incoming equipment issues raised by Members. IN conjunction, the use of MS 365 "My Lists" is used to track repair manuals, spare parts and consumables.
And for Committee use, a group email was established whereby all current Committee Members could be contacted using a single email to: "Dr" Stable Woody (kdwcstable@gmail.com)
Another useful distribution list name for all the KEYHOLDERS who lend their hands to opening the club,
is via a single email to "Dr" Hands Woody (kdwchands@gmail.com)
So, if you see an email coming from any of these "Dr"s show them the ultimate respect needed by replying.