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Inhouse  Events

2nd or 3rd (middle) Sunday of September

Each year, Members have a chance to showcase items of wood craft, that they have built in the current 12 months prior the event.    A list of the categories and their classes, is in the adjacent table.   Results of the "Be-In-It" have been published over the years, in the Sept edition (up to, including 2018) of 'Ingrained" newsletter. In 2019 when held a month later, and published in Oct.   The event takes place after the end of football finals located on the adjacent property to help with car parking needs and has now shifted to 2nd Sunday of Sept. 


When COVID19 prevented this event in 2020 and 2021, there was a "Let's See It" magazine presented, based on photographs and Member contributions.  This is available at:


1st Wednesday December

Each year, the Toy/Gift making group, along with contributions from Members,  present an enormous number of toys and gifts for local Community Support Groups to use as presents for needy members of the local area at Xmas time.  It follows a year of work in the making.

mid December

This is the big opportunity for Members to pick up a real bargain, donated from the sheds of fellow members!

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