Technical - Workshop Notes
2022-06 June
2022-06 June
Gary Pope's Outdoor Bar using Triton Router for Mortise/Tenon with Mini-Orb
Gary built this bar over a couple of months starting late Feb 2006, and it is still holding up today, 16 years later, with no doubt many hidden stories told around it. (Current 2022 status in photo below)
But this project provided the excuse for investing in a Triton Router and Table, and the opportunity to learn how to make a mortise and tenon joint.
Talking of joints, the materials were purchased from the 'Jarrah Joint' which closed in about Oct 2004, but at the time was a priceless treasure trove of all things Jarrah. No doubt, historians of the area will fondly remember the family owner there, who was a wizard with mental arithmetic in converting super foot pricing to the variety of sticks being purchased of varying thickness and length.
For those of nostalgic persuasion, here's a late 2008 image of the property back then, where there were tall galvanised warehouses brimming with beautiful Jarrah Timber. It was located at 918 Burwood Hwy Ferntree Gully. Only last year, a large petrol station finally filled the paddocks used for new car storage till then.

The construction process of this Jarrah bar, was published on another of Gary's websites of interest, which makes mention of travelling around Australia into historical PUBS, and exploring history. So please ignore those aspects of the story, but the bulk relates to the materials, tools and approach taken, which was considered worthwhile to salvage (as a PDF) and store here on the Club's website for Woodworking Interest.
And so, to the technical explanation of how this was built.
Click this link for the PDF: Gaz's Jarrah Bar